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Codling Moth Pheromone Trap

What Are Codling Moths?

Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) lay eggs that develop into larvae. These larvae will burrow into a range of fruit including; ApplesPearsQuinces and Walnuts. The larvae and caterpillars will feed inside the fruit, making tunnels, and leave excrement within the produce.

How Does This Trap Help Combat Codling Moths?

The Dragonfli Codling Moth Pheromone Trap uses a species specific pheromone lure to catch and trap male Codling moths. This long-life lure will bait and catch male Codling moths. The moths detect the pheromone and fly into the trap expecting a female Codling moth to be present. Moth mating and egg laying will be reduced as a result, and future generations of larvae will be prevented from developing. Moth populations can also be monitored through this trap which will help provide you with an early warning as to their activity

How Do I Set Up The Trap?

Each trap is supplied with one long life pheromone lure. Simply remove the lure from the foil sachet and place it in a cage at the top of the trap.

The Codling Moth trap supplied by Dragonfli is called a castellation trap where the entry holes on the trap are only big enough for moths. This prevents the capture of larger insects, or small birds, which might fly into a conventional trap by accident. 

The trap can be filled with water so that when the Codling Moth enters the trap it will fall into the water and drown. Alternatively you may wish to purchase some Sticky Pads, which can be found here. These can be placed at the bottom of the trap to retain and kill the moths caught by the trap.

Hang the traps from the trees you wish to treat for infestation.

Full set up instructions are provided on delivery.

When Will I Need To Replace My Trap?

The trap can be used for years and replacement lures can be purchased for additional coverage. The lures are designed to last an entire Codling Moth flying season. A replacement pack of small parts is also available to purchase here.

Each trap comes with one long life pheromone lure. If the lure has lost effectiveness, replacement lures can be purchased separately here.

Additional lures may be stored in a fridge or freezer.

How Many Traps Do I Need?

Each trap can cover between 16 to 20 trees, or up to half an acre.

When Should I Use The Traps?

Codling Moth traps should be hung from your trees from May onwards

Codling Moth begin to appear when fruit trees are about to bloom. This is the time to ensure your codling moth traps are active with a fresh pheromone lure inserted.

Gain Complete Control By Also Applying Our Codling Moth Killer Nematodes

If Codling Moth larvae do develop, nematodes can be used in combination with our pheromone traps to attack each stage of the life cycle. Our most effective treatment, Codling Moth Killer Nematodes can be found here.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Carol Higgs
I bought 2 of these traps last year & they worked really well!

I bought 2 of these traps last year, 1 for my plum trees & 1 for the apples. They worked so well, that I have purchased 2 more for another part of the orchard, along with additional lures for my existing traps. No more grubs in the fruit!

Tony P
Plum Moth Trap

Easy to put together,with or without instructions. Now waiting for the Trap to work

Sylvia Bugler
What moths,

Will let you know the results next year after the apple harvest!

Kate Clark
Good product

Easy to assemble and hang. No moths caught yet but plenty of wasps!

Michael Bawden
Working well

I didn't put this up until early May which may have been too late. However in the past week there have been 6 moths caught, so hopefully a good crop of undamaged apples this year. Good product.