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Amblyseius andersoni Sachets (As Seen On TV!) - Cold Tolerant Predatory Mites - Use Against Thrips, Spider Mites, Fuchsia Gall Mites, Whitefly Eggs & More

Number of Sachets

*We were delighted that this product featured in BBC Gardeners' World (2024: Episode 22)! Thank you again to the producers for arranging this.*

Amblyseius Andersoni Sachets Combat A Variety Of Insect Pests

Our Amblyseius andersoni sachets (Anso-Mite) are ideal for use against a range of insect pests. Amblyseius andersoni is a generalist predatory mite that that feeds on a variety of small insect pests which include eggs and larvae of Whitefly, young larvae of Thrips, Fuchsia Gall Mite, Rust mite,  Spider Mites (pre-webbing) and Fruit Tree Red Spider Mite.

The full range of pests that Amblyseius andersoni has been proven to be effective against includes:

Andersoni Mites Can Withstand Colder Conditions Than Other Predatory Mites

Amblyseius andersoni is a cold tolerant predator compared to other predatory mites, so can be applied effectively in cooler conditions.

The andersoni predators work by piercing the prey and sucking out their body contents. You will normally spot the andersoni on the lower surface of the leaves and they are very similar in appearance to other predatory mites

When Should I Use The Andersoni Sachets?

Amblyseius andersoni predators should be used as an early preventative treatment when pest levels are low. Introduce the andersoni before, or at early signs of pest infestation. The predators can be also be applied in the absence of a pest, as the predators can survive by feeding on pollen.

We do not recommend you use the andersoni against Spider Mites when there are high numbers of the pest, or webbing is present. Choose instead from one of our other predatory mites to tackle Spider Mites at this stage of the pest cycle. You can find our range of available Spider Mite predators by clicking here.

What Conditions Do The Andersoni Require?

Amblyseius andersoni are active from 14℃and above, with an optimum temperature being between 20-28℃Amblyseius andersoni are sensitive to relative humidity below 65%.

How Many Sachets Do I Need?

We recommend the following application rate based on an average plant height of 1m:

- 1-2 sachets per plant

To maintain populations, introduce new sachets every 4 weeks.

When Will I Need To Replace My Sachets?

Amblyseius andersoni sachets slowly release predatory mites onto plants for up to four weeks. There is also a food source of prey mites supplied within the sachet, which helps the production of more predators.

How Do I Apply The Sachets?

Simply hang the sachets in a sheltered spot on the plant, out of direct sunlight There is already a hole in the sachet for the predators to exit from, so the sachets do not need opening.

Do not apply the andersoni with Amblyseius swirskii, Amblyseius cucumeris or Amblyseius californicus predatory mites. The andersoni can, however, be used with other Thrip predators such as Mighty MiteHypoaspis miles, Orius laevigatus and Lacewing Larvae.

Full application instructions are provided on delivery.

Can I Store The Sachets?

Unfortunately due to the 4-week life cycle you cannot store the sachets for later use. Apply the sachets immediately on receipt.

Chemical Pesticides

Amblyseius andersoni is a living creature and can be affected by any chemical pesticides used within the previous few weeks. As a general guide, refrain from using Natural Pyrethrum or SB Plant Invigorator 2 days prior to use. Other chemical insecticides can have long lasting residues that could harm the andersoni, and other predatory mites, for much longer periods. Refrain from using these products, or check with Dragonfli for information on the effects of these products on predatory mites.

Allergy Information 

Just as you can be allergic to cats, pollen, and dust mites, it is also possible to be allergic to the natural substances in predatory mites, feeder mites, and supplementary feeding products. If you are particularly allergy prone and concerned about the potential effects of our mites please contact your local GP prior to purchase. Please note that allergic reactions to our mites are extremely rare.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 43 reviews
Kevin Riley

Great 👍

Chloe Bryant
Adjusted review

I did have an amazing 1st order bugs were really active getting to work but the second batch never really seemed to be active saw one or two. After seeing the last review dragonfli were quick to try fix this issue which is really great of them.

Alan Pardoe
Probably works

After our Fuchsia bush was affected by a blight and seeing this on Monty Don's gardening programme,. thought this would be worth a try. After first cutback and try out, there was dreadful wet weather so un sure of its progress. 2nd application has hopefully started to work, but in winter it is a little hard to tell. More in the pack, so hopefully there will be the anticipated improvement in the spring.

Jennifer Storey
Positive customer experience

After writing that I had only seen one mite the company reached out and quickly sent me new packets. The speedy and positive response was much appreciated, I will hopefully see some mites soon!

Varvara Krayvanova
Brought my fuchsia back to bloom

My small fuchsia was covered by ugly green knots, I removed them and put these pouches on the bush. In a week it became healthy and blooming again.