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Wax Moth Killer Nematodes

*Only Apply When Wax Moth Grubs Are Visible*

What Are Wax Moths?

Wax Moths may lay eggs on your Bumblebee hives which release grubs that can cause critical damage to colonies. Examine the exterior of the outer cardboard casing of your colony and you may locate these freshly formed grubs, as they often congregate in numbers on the side of the box. Wax Moths may also lay their eggs outside of the Bumblebee colonies, for example on the wood of your Beepol Villas. If left untreated, Wax Moth grubs will move inside and destroy your Bumblebee colonies.

What Are Wax Moth Killer Nematodes & How Can They Help?

Naturally and safely control your Wax Moth infestations, and protect your Bumblebees, with our Wax Moth Killer Nematodes, which are deadly to the Wax Moth grubs but safe to humans and wildlife. The nematodes enter the grubs via a natural opening, like the mouth, and feed on the contents of the grubs. A natural bacterium is produced by the nematodes inside the grubs, which kills it. Infected grubs will be completely broken down by the nematodes and will often turn brown. The nematodes also reproduce inside the grubs, releasing more nematodes into the surrounding area. 

When Should I Apply The Nematodes?

Apply the nematodes as soon as Wax Moth grubs are observed. Do not apply before they are present, as nematodes will not survive for long in this type of environment. Wax Moth activity normally starts in June, but may begin earlier in warm conditions. Start monitoring Bumblebee colonies from May for Wax Moth activity. Please only apply these nematodes when Wax Moth larvae are clearly visible.

How Many Nematodes Do I Need?

One packet of these 5million nematodes will treat one colony of Bumblebees.

What Conditions Do The Nematodes Require?

Choose a humid or wet day to apply your Wax Moth Killer Nematodes. Nematodes are UV-sensitive and will not survive long when exposed to bright, sunny conditions. Apply the nematodes early in the morning or early in the evening in order to utilise the optimum humidity levels. Avoid application in frosty conditions

How Do I Apply The Nematodes?

1. Ensure you have closed the sliding door of your Bumblebee colony the night before application to keep the bees inside. Proceed to apply the nematodes the following morning.

2. Open and empty the contents of your 5 million sachet of nematodes into a bucket or container of 0.5 litres (500ml) of water (make sure the water is tepid and not freezing cold to avoid shocking the nematodes) and mix thoroughly. 

3. Fill your sprayer with the mixed 0.5 litres of nematode concentrate and add another litre of water so you are left with 1.5 litres of nematode solution (remove any filters from the sprayer and use a coarse or wide nozzle aperture). Hand held sprayers should suffice, with filters removed, or use our Nema Super Sprayer for optimum nematode application.

4. Finally, apply and spray the nematode solution directly onto the Wax Moth Grubs.


Apply the nematodes directly onto the grubs on the outside of the colony. They will be present either on the outer cardboard casing, or on the wood of the Villa outside the colony, so apply as relevant to your infestation. The grubs are often found down the sides of the internal area of the wooden Beepol Villa. Thoroughly spray and re-spray the solution to soak the Wax Moth grubs with nematodes.

5. Once nematode spraying is complete, open the sliding door of your Bumblebee colony to release the bees. Make sure you stand back after you have opened the door, as the bees may be aggressive at first.

For severe infestations, or new infestations, repeat the treatment. Keep monitoring the Bumblebee colony for future Wax Moth attacks and reapply Wax Moth Killer Nematodes when required.

Can I Store Nematodes?

You can store unopened nematode packs in a fridge but it is best to ensure you apply your nematodes as soon as possible for the best results. The nematode solution cannot be stored or re-used once it is mixed.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
andrew terry

Thank you 👍

Eric Troughton
Wax moth nematodes

Easy to use and seems to have controlled to infestation