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Small Garden Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes

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What Are Chafer Grubs? 

Chafer Grubs are the larvae of Chafer Beetles. They are a common lawn pest in the UK and can cause significant damage primarily by eating the grass roots. This damage is soon multiplied as animals and birds will then dig up the grass in their quest to locate the grubs. 

What Are Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes & How Can They Help?

Our Chafer Grub Killer contains the nematode; Heterohabditis bacteriophora. These nematodes will enter the Chafer Grub via a natural opening, like the mouth, and feed on the contents of the Chafer Grub. A natural bacterium is produced by the nematodes inside the Chafer Grub, which kills it. Infected grubs will often change colour and will eventually be completely broken down by the nematodes. 

Use Small Garden Chafer Grub Killer To Combat Chafer Grubs Found In Smaller Lawns

Our Small Garden Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes are ideal for those looking to treat a smaller surface area of turf or lawn.

Our 20sqm pack size contains one sachet of 10million Heterohabditis bacteriophora species nematodes which can be easily applied to smaller patches of garden that are infested with Chafer grubs.

When Should I Apply The Nematodes?

The optimum time for applying Chafer Grub Killer is when Chafer Grubs are close to the soil surface from July to October, when the soil is warm. You should aim to apply the nematodes as early as possible within this period as the younger Chafer grubs are more vulnerable at this stage. Ensure there are signs of grub activity in the soil before application.

How Many Nematodes Do I Need?

This pack size has been specifically designed to treat lawn areas of up to 20 square metres. This makes the pack more suited for treating smaller gardens, or for targeted treatment of smaller patches of lawn.

If looking to treat larger lawns, or heavier infestations of Chafer grubs, see our standard sized Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes which are available in 4 larger treatment sizes.       

What Conditions Do The Nematodes Require?

Choose a humid or wet day to apply your Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes. Nematodes are UV-sensitive and will not survive long when exposed to bright, sunny conditions. Apply the nematodes early in the morning or early in the evening in order to utilise the optimum humidity levels. 

How Do I Apply The Nematodes?

To increase the effectiveness of your nematode treatment, we always advise you spike and scarify the lawn before application. If there are bare patches or poor grass coverage, spiking the ground is particularly important. If grass thatch is thick, scarifying the lawn is vital in aiding the passage of nematodes into the soil. The lawn also needs to be kept moist for nematodes to penetrate the soil and reach the Chafer Grubs. 

See also our Nemaflo carrier which will help aid the movement of the nematodes in the soil.

1. First, open the sachet and empty entire contents into a bucket of 1L of lukewarm water. Stir thoroughly to break up and dissolve carrier material.

2.  Add 0.5L of the nematode concentrate to a watering can with up to 10L of water. One pack of 20sqm nematodes will make 2 watering cans (including concentrate solution).

3. Apply to lawns using a coarse rose / nozzle. Each watering can treats up to 10sqm. Use of all the contents of the pack once opened. Made up solution cannot be stored. 

The nematodes can also be applied with some hose end feeder nematode applicators & sprayers such as our Nema Super Sprayer.

Can I Store The Nematodes?

You can store unopened nematode packs in a fridge but it is best to ensure you apply your nematodes as soon as possible for the best results.

Chafer Grub Killer nematodes are harmless to humans, and safe to apply to edible plants.

Use Our Chafer Beetle Traps For Complete Chafer Control

Consider supplementing your treatment by using our Chafer Beetle Trap from July to October, to help reduce the number of breeding adult beetles. This will contribute to the overall reduction of Chafer Beetles in your garden.

Repair Your Damaged Lawn With Lawn Grub Repair Boost

To help repair Lawns from Chafer damage, try our Lawn Grub Repair Boost. This natural biostimulant helps roots regrow, and aids new grass growth. This will further negate lawn damage, and can be used in combination with nematode treatments. Treatments can begin as soon as grass begins growing in the spring.