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The Russet Mite (Aculops lycopersici), also known as the Tomato Russet Mite, frequently infests tomato plants.Russet Mites suck out the contents of plant cells causing leaves to curl and develop a silvery sheen. If infestations continue and damage becomes severe, leaves become brittle and brown in colour. Infested tomato plants will lose leaf hairs (trichomes) from leaves and stems. Stems may also turn a brown and snap.
Fruit produce from plants can also become affected. Tomatoes may turn reddish brown, develop coarse skin and become deformed. Damage can become most severe at high temperatures when Russet Mite populations grow quickly and affected leaves quickly dry. Damage can be first identified on the lower areas of the plant and will spread as the mites ascend.
Fruit Mite Killer contains the predatory mite; Amblyseius andersoni. The andersoni feed on the Russet Mites and a range of other pests. See them listed below:
We advise using Amblyseius andersoni against Russet Mites found on indoor and outdoor plants. The andersoni also feed on pollen and this means that they can be applied to plants before, or soon after, the Russet Mite is first observed. This can aid earlier control of Russet Mite populations and reduce risk of sustained damage by combating the Russet Mite early in its life cycle.
Amblyseius andersoni are active from 14℃and above, with an optimum temperature being between 20-28℃. Amblyseius andersoni are sensitive to relative humidity below 65%.
Russet Mites often feed at the underside of leaves so ensure the andersoni are released onto infested leaves of the tree, or in other evident hot spots of Russet Mite activity.
The andersoni are supplied in shaker bottles, so you can apply the predators by rotating the bottle and gently shaking the contents directly onto the infested leaves of the plants.
Amblyseius andersoni can also be applied using our Dragonfli Distribution Boxes, which will be more effective for larger plants. Distribute the shaker bottle contents into your boxes and hang them on the stems or leaves of your plants. The boxes act as small breeding sites for the predators before they then proceed to exit the boxes and move around the plants.
Repeat applications may be required to maintain andersoni populations, or if Russet Mite numbers were high when the predators were first applied.
Full application instructions are provided on delivery.
We advise using andersoni straight away upon delivery. This ensures best results as the Mites will be fresh.
Amblyseius andersoni is a living creature and can be affected by any chemical pesticides used within the previous few weeks. As a general guide, refrain from using Natural Pyrethrum or SB Plant Invigorator 2 days prior to use. Other chemical insecticides can have long lasting residues that could harm the andersoni, and other predatory mites, for much longer periods. Refrain from using these products, or check with Dragonfli for information on the effects of these products on predatory mites.
Just as you can be allergic to cats, pollen, and dust mites, it is also possible to be allergic to the natural substances in predatory mites, feeder mites, and supplementary feeding products. If you are particularly allergy prone and concerned about the potential effects of our mites please contact your local GP prior to purchase. Please note that allergic reactions to our mites are extremely rare.