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Cutworm Killer Nematodes


What Are Cutworms?

Cutworms are the larvae / caterpillars of several different moths, the most common being the Turnip Moth (Agrotis segetum). They are normally grey to brown in colour and curl up when they are disturbed. Cutworms generally feed at night, on the ground surface, and will damage a wide variety of vegetables, salad plants and even low growing ornamental plants.

They will also feed on the roots of seedlings and cause young plants to collapse where they have been feeding. Other symptoms of damage will show as girdled plant stems, severed roots and wilted plants.

What Are Cutworm Killer Nematodes & How Can They Help?

Cutworm Killer contain Steinernema species 

nematodes that can be applied as a soil drench to c

ontrol and kill harmful soil dwelling caterpillars such as Cutworms. The nematodes will enter the larvae via a natural opening, like the mouth, and feed on the contents of the larvae. A natural bacterium is produced by the nematodes inside the larvae, which kills it. The nematodes also reproduce inside the larvae, releasing more nematodes into the surrounding area.

Once the Cutworm larvae are killed, the nematodes will die back to natural levels in the soil.

When Should I Apply The Nematodes?

Apply your Cutworm Killer Nematodes when damage is observed or when Cutworms have been located in the soil. The optimum period to apply is between April to October.

How Many Nematodes Do I Need?

Cutworm Killer Nematodes are available in four different pack sizes as detailed below:

- 1 x 25 million nematodes to treat up to 50m2 

- 2 x 25 million nematodes to treat up to 100m2 

- 1 x 250 million nematodes to treat up to 500m2 

- 2 x 250 million nematodes to treat up to 1000m2 

What Conditions Do The Nematodes Require?

Choose a humid or wet day to apply your Cutworm Killer Nematodes. Nematodes are UV-sensitive and will not survive long when exposed to bright, sunny conditions. Apply the nematodes early in the morning or early in the evening in order to utilise the optimum humidity levels.

Soil temperatures should be above 10℃ for the nematodes to be active, if applying in the spring.

How Do I Apply The Nematodes?

1. First open and empty the contents of your 25 million sachet of nematodes into a bucket or container of 2.5 litres of water and mix thoroughly.

2. Next, fill your sprayer (hand held sprayers should suffice, with filters removed - or use our specific nematode applicator: The Nema Super Sprayerfor optimum nematode application) with the mixed 2.5 litres of nematode concentrate and add another 5.5 litres of water so you are left with 8 litres of nematode solution.

3. Finally, spray the soil and ensure plenty of the spray solution is applied and directed where possible directly onto the Cutworms. 

Ensure the soil is moist for 2 weeks since application.

For severe infestations, repeat the process 5 days after first treatment.

Full instructions are provided on delivery. 

Can I Store Nematodes?

You can store unopened nematode packs in a fridge but it is best to ensure you apply your nematodes as soon as possible for the best results.

Cutworm Killer Nematodes are harmless to humans, pets and wildlife, and safe to apply to edible plants

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Nadine Smith
NOT SURE YET, still waiting for the Nematode's to perform their magic.

Not sure yet, after giving 2 applications, and covering over with tarpaulin to keep ground moist as very windy & could dry out, I sprayed water under the tarp several times, to keep moist,, and to my disappointment we still had cutworm's in the soil, not as many, but too many for my liking, time will tell, as we have set some cauliflower plants & sprouting broccoli, I will report back at a later date, as the second dose might not have worked its magic yet. I am sure they must work to some degree, otherwise you would not sell them. ! Well, at least the local Robin had a feast, while we set the plants.

Hi Nadine,

Many thanks for your feedback and for ordering with us.

I'm glad to hear you are persevering with our nematodes and that you are doing what you can to ensure they have the appropriate conditions to be effective in terms of keeping the soil moist at the time of application.

We are enduring some unseasonably cold temperatures at the moment which could have slowed the effectiveness of the nematodes. They will be considerably more effective when soil temperatures warm up so I would suggest to keep an eye on the weather, and maybe make use of a soil thermometer, to ensure that when you next apply them they'll have the optimum conditions to control the Cutworms.

At least the Robin is providing you with some temporary pest control cover while our nematodes get going!

Please keep us posted on how your next application goes and if you ever need any further advice please just give us a shout and we'd be more than happy to help.

Kind regards,

Julian Ives [Director, Dragonfli]

Marilyn Parrott
Brilliant stuff

Works perfectly