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Adult Ladybirds - Adalia bipunctata (Supplied As Pupae)


What Are Aphids & How Do I Identify Them?

Aphid is a name for a large group of insects, many of which can cause serious damage to plants. They extract sap from plants causing a reduction in plant growth, reduced yields, and sometimes defoliation. Aphids can also secrete toxic substances into the plants. The Aphids take proteins from the sap and then excrete the excess sugar left in the sap back onto plants. This causes a sticky mess on the leaves, which black molds often grow on.

Aphids are soft bodied and often shed white skins onto leaves. Adult Aphids can be green, yellow, pink, black, grey or brown.

Ladybirds Now Supplied As Pupae To Protect Them In Transit

To help protect the Ladybirds on their journey to you we are now supplying them as pupae. This is the part of their life cycle just prior to them developing into adults. The pupae are more resilient to transport conditions which reduces the amount of potential fatalities during delivery. This might mean that not all of the Ladybirds have developed to adulthood when you receive and open your sachet. The first adults that do emerge after developing from pupae are paler in colour before developing their characteristic red and back markings. Enjoy watching them develop and begin feeding on Aphids!

What Are Ladybirds & How Can They Help?

These predators are native to the U.K. and are often referred to as the Two Spotted Ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). The Ladybirds, and their larvae, are highly efficient predators of Aphids (also known as Greenfly/Blackfly) and other insect pests.

During the winter months the Ladybirds will hibernate in window frames, walls, log piles or trees, and emerge to mate in the spring. The female Ladybirds will lay between 20-50 eggs per day. These eggs will develop into Ladybird larvae (which also feed on Aphids) and, after three weeks of feeding, will develop into adults. You can purchase our Ladybird larvae separately here.

Ladybirds will predominantly consume most species of Aphid, but will also feed on other soft-bodied pests. We would, however, advise use of more specific predators in tackling these pests, such as Spider Mites and Thrips. See our range of available predators for these two pests by clicking on the links attached to the two names.

Where Should I Apply The Ladybirds?

Adult Ladybirds are best suited for application onto Aphid infested plants in confined spaces such as greenhouses, conservatories and polytunnels. Adult Ladybirds can be released outdoors but are difficult to apply directly to specific infestations as they are winged and can fly away. Ladybird larvae, which are not winged at this stage of their life cycle, are easier to use for outdoor infestations, as the larvae will stay in one place.

What Conditions Do The Ladybirds Require?

Adult Ladybirds can be used in temperatures above 10℃ indoors or outdoors, with an optimum temperature being above 15℃. Ladybirds should only be introduced when pests are present.

When Should I Apply The Ladybirds?

For indoor use of the adult Ladybirds: they should be released from March to September.

For outdoor use of the adult Ladybirds: they should be released from May to September.

How Do I Apply The Ladybirds?

It is recommended that you release the adult Ladybirds in the morning or evening if applying indoors, or when windows and vents are closed for a few hours. 

Simply cut open the sachet and place sachet on near infected plant. Any developed adults will emerge from the sachet, some may still be pupae and could take 7-14 days to finish their development. In this case simply leave the sachet on the plant, allowing the pupae time to develop into adults and leave the sachet. The first adult Ladybirds that emerge will be pale in colour before they develop their more vibrant colour markings.

Full application instructions will also be provided on delivery.

How Many Ladybirds Do I Need?

As a general guide we advise applying the adult Ladybirds at a rate of 10 per square metre. This would equate to around 5 adults per medium sized plant. If you have a severe infestation of Aphids we would advise doubling this rate.  

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Ladybirds?

Adult Ladybirds can live for up to three years in the wild and grow to around 0.4 inches.

Chemical Pesticides 

Ladybirds are living creatures and can be affected by any chemical pesticides used within the previous few weeks. As a general guide, refrain from using Natural Pyrethrum or SB Plant Invigorator 2 days prior to use. Other chemical insecticides can have long lasting residues that could harm the Ladybirds and other predators for much longer periods. Refrain from using these products or check with Dragonfli for information on the effect of these products on our predators.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 58 reviews

fantastic product arrived bursting with life


First time using these ladybirds and I’ve contacted the company only one hour after receiving them for reassurance and I can only say they are fantastic to deal with they replied straight away to make sure I was confident and happy with my new little predators too service and already I’ve got ladybirds working hard on my previous plants thank you 😄

Alexander Winter
Ladybird Pupae

Arrived promptly and intact,
Within 48 hours all pupae had emerged into adults.
I have really enjoyed watching them on the plants actively hunting for their prey.

Thomas Goodwin
Ladybird pupae

Arrived quickly and well packaged, only a few of the pupae hatched however Dragonfli replaced and second delivery of larvae was much better. Cannot fault Dragonfli customer service. Highly recommended.

Emre Tezel
Only few came alive but

Only 5-6 out of 25 came alive, but dragonflies kindly shipped a new order free of charge and a lot more hatched than last time .