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The Dragonfli Glasshouse Thrip Bundle will provide you with the perfect start as you seek to control Glasshouse Thrip infestations and includes 10 Green Sticky Traps to help you identify Thrip infestations early and catch additional flying pests. Take advantage of our bundle and benefit from an additional overall discount. The bundle provides a perfect natural solution to your Glasshouse Thrip infestation and will help combat larger, or multiple, areas of infestations.
The Glasshouse Thrip Bundle includes:
Glasshouse Thrips (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis)are a pest of ornamental plants in glasshouses and can be found on some shrubs outside such as Viburnum. They are dark in colour and have larger larvae than other thrip species such as the Western Flower Thrip, or the Onion Thrip. The damage caused by Glasshouse Thrips can be quite severe. Leaves are targeted and damage can appear in large areas of discoloration, often showing as silver scarring on the leaves. Small black droplets of faeces may also be seen on leaves. Indoor grown shrubs and ferns can be especially damaged.
Amblyseius swirskii- 10 Sachets
Amblyseius swirskii predatory mites feed on small and larger feed Glasshouse Thrip larvae. The special foil sachets create the perfect environment for the predators to breed in and slowly releases the predators through a small hole in the sachet for a period of up to four weeks. This provides you with longer lasting Thrip control on your plants. Simply hang the sachets on the plants you wish to treat and the predators will begin emerging.
Lacewing Larvae - Bottle of 500
These Lacewing larvae predators are supplied in a loose carrier material for instant releaseonto infestations. Ensure the Lacewing larvae are released in identifiable hot spots of pest activity and they will soon begin feasting on Glasshouse Thrip. The larvaeare supplied in shaker bottles, so you can apply the predators by rotating the bottle and gently shaking the contents directly onto the infested leaves of the plants. Alternatively, distribute them into our Distribution Boxes and hang them from your plants.
Distribution Boxes - 2 Boxes
Sometimes it can be difficult to apply bottled predators to relatively inaccessible spots where Glasshouse Thrip congregate, particularly at the top of plants if they are tall and winding. Dragonfli Distribution Boxes can be utilised to situate predators exactly where they need to be. Simply pour the predators into the boxes from the predator shaker bottles and hang the boxes from your plants near Glasshouse Thrip infestations. The predators will then exit the boxes to locate and kill the Glasshouse Thrip pests.
Green Sticky Traps- Pack of 10 Traps
Dragonfli Green Sticky Traps utilise a strong and durable wet-stick insect glue for maximum capture rates of Glasshouse Thrip pests. The quality of the glue ensures these traps quickly reduce pest populations on your plants, or within your home. The traps are made of a highly vibrant, and attractive green colouring to insects which further increases its catching potential.Use theses traps to successfully monitor Glasshouse Thrip numbers and reduce infestations.
The Glasshouse Thrip Bundle will provide your plants with the perfect combination of predators and the best applicational and observational apparatus to utilise them in protection from Glasshouse Thrip pests.
Further information on the above included products can be found by clicking on the product title links and viewing the individual product listing pages. Full application instructions are also provided for each product on delivery.
Amblyseius swirskii & Lacewing larvae are living creatures and can be affected by any chemical pesticides used within the previous few weeks. As a general guide, refrain from using Natural Pyrethrum or SB Plant Invigorator 2 days prior to use. Other chemical insecticides can have long lasting residues that could harm the predatory mites for much longer periods. Refrain from using these products or check with Dragonfli for information on the effect of these products on the predatory mites.
Just as you can be allergic to cats, pollen, and dust mites, it is also possible to be allergic to the natural substances in predatory mites, feeder mites, and supplementary feeding products. If you are particularly allergy prone and concerned about the potential effects of our mites please contact your local GP prior to purchase. Please note that allergic reactions to our mites are extremely rare.