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There are several species of Spider Mite with the most common being the Two Spotted Spider Mite (tetranychus urticae). These mites have an oval body and eight legs. They vary in colour from green, yellow, orange-red and dark brown. The eggs are circular and generally located on the underside of leaves. The damage will be evident with the yellowing of leaves, especially on the underside. Yellow dots will also show on top with the whole leaf eventually turning yellow. Spider Mites can also produce webbing on leaves when the population is high.
A subscription of californicus introductions is the best way of achieving results from our Spider Mite Preventative System. A subscription ensures populations of californicus are maintained to counter Spider Mite populations before damage to plants is sustained, and helps ensure californicus are present as soon as Spider Mite appear. If there are already very high numbers of Spider Mite present before californicus introductions have started, control of the pest can take a longer period of time.
The despatch of sachets for such subscriptions will be arranged at 4 weekly intervals.
Amblyseius (Neoseiulus) californicus is an effective predator of the Two Spotted Mite (Tetranychus urticae) commonly known as the Red Spider Mite. It can also be used against Broad Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus).
The Amblyseius californicus are supplied in a unique foil sachet. Each sachet will slowly release the predators for around 4 weeks, protecting the plant from outbreaks during this time.
If Spider Mite are already present in large numbers we advise using our Phytoseiulus persimilis predators which can be applied with the Amblyseius californicus.
We advise applying these foil sachets immediately against Spider Mites. This means you should have an active sachet on your plants at all times; from propagation to full growth. Do not apply if you have used chemical treatments in the past 2 weeks. Amblyseius californicus must only be applied indoors, it is not permitted for use outside on plants, as it is not classed as a native insect to the UK.
Temperatures should be between 13-32℃. Ideally there should also be a relative humidity above 60%, however lower levels can be endured by the californicus.
We recommend the following application rate based on an average plant height of 1m:
- 1-2 sachets per plant
These sachets slowly release the predators for at least four weeks. The californicus have the ability to scavenge and use alternative food sources, which means they can survive for around 10 days without Spider Mite being present. This makes them the ideal predator to use as a preventative treatment. The californicus will also reproduce on the plant and increase their population.
Simply hang the sachets on the plant. There is already a hole in the sachet for the predators to exit from, so the sachets do not need opening.
Full application instructions are provided on delivery.
Warning: Amblyseius californicus is a non-native predator and can only be applied indoors and in glasshouses. By purchasing this product you are agreeing to these restrictions.
Unfortunately due to the 4-week life cycle you cannot store the sachets for later use. Apply the sachets immediately on receipt.
Amblyseius californicus is a living creature and can be affected by any chemical pesticides used within the previous few weeks. As a general guide, refrain from using Natural Pyrethrum or SB Plant Invigorator 2 days prior to use. Other chemical insecticides can have long lasting residues that could harm californicus and other predatory mites for much longer periods. Refrain from using these products or check with Dragonfli for information on the effect of these products on the predatory mites.
Just as you can be allergic to cats, pollen, and dust mites, it is also possible to be allergic to the natural substances in predatory mites, feeder mites, and supplementary feeding products. If you are particularly allergy prone and concerned about the potential effects of our mites please contact your local GP prior to purchase. Please note that allergic reactions to our mites are extremely rare.