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House Plant Care Bundle: Fungus Fly Nematodes, Sticky Traps, House Plant Boost, Plant Soap & A Free House Plant Mister

Take Advantage Of Our House Plant Care Bundle With Fungus Fly Killer Nematodes, 5 Mini Tulip Sticky Traps, House Plant Boost, Plant Soap & A Free House Plant Mister

The Dragonfli House Plant Care Bundle combines products that boost the overall health and growth of your house plants whilst also aiding them in battles against pests and diseases.

House Plant Boost is an organic liquid fertiliser that improves the strength and resistance of your plants, where our Fungus Fly Killer Nematodes and Mini Tulip Sticky Traps will offer protection by killing common house plant pests. New Dragonfli Plant Soap will kill a variety of pests already infesting your plants, as well as any molds or honeydew.

Our House Plant Care Bundle also includes a free House Plant Mister which can be used to apply House Plant Boost, or simply to mist your plants and improve humidity levels. Take advantage of our bundle to protect your valuable house plant collections and benefit from an additional overall discount.

The House Plant Care bundle includes:

  • House Plant Boost - A plant-based natural biostimulant concentrate to aid overall plant health
  • Fungus Fly Killer Nematodes (10sqm) - Nematodes can treat up to 50 house plants against Fungus Fly attack. 
  • Mini Tulip Sticky Traps (Pack of 5) - Effective in catching Adult Fungus Flies & other flying insect pests of house plants. Our nematodes kill Fungus Fly Larvae where sticky traps will kill Fungus Fly adults, ensuring the entire life cycle of the pest is attacked.
  • Dragonfli Plant Soap- Kills a wide variety of insect pests as well as plant molds. This all natural soap leaves no harmful residues on your plants and can be used safely used up to 4 weeks before applying our natural predators. Fungus Fly Killer nematodes can be safety applied in conjunction with the soap.
  • One FREE 200ml House Plant Mister/Sprayer - Perfect for applying House Plant Boost & as a mister to apply water to plant leaves 

Apply Natural Fertilisers & Protections Against Entire Pest Life Cycles

House Plant Boost - 100ml concentrate dosing bottle

House Plant Boost is both a natural biostimulant and an organic fertiliser for house plants. Made from plant extracts, it provides the necessary nutrition for house plants and improves overall plant health by bolstering natural defences against pests and diseases. House Plant Boost can be applied either as a drench to the compost the plants are growing in, or as a foliar application to the leaves or foliage. The House Plant Mister/Sprayer included in this bundle is the very tool required for the latter application process.

Fungus Fly Killer Nematodes - 10m2 pack

Fungus Fly Killer contains nematodes that kill Fungus Fly larvae (sometimes known as Sciarids) in the compost of house plants. These nematodes will also kill any Vine Weevil larvae pests that might also be in the compost. The nematodes are easy to use and are simply mixed in water and drenched into the compost. One pack of Fungus Fly Killer 10sqm can treat up to 50 house plants. Unopened packs can be fridge stored for up to 7 days.

Mini Tulip Sticky Traps - Pack of 5 

Our Mini Tulip Sticky Traps can be easily pushed into the compost of plant pots and containers. The traps are perfectly suited to protecting plants growing on window sills, individual plants in pots, and for plants and cuttings at propagation stage. The sticky traps are supplied as a pack of 5 that will attract and catch a wide variety of house plant insect pests including: Adult Fungus FlyThripWhitefly and Aphids.

Dragonfli Plant Soap - 250ml 

Dragonfli Plant Soap can be used to combat a wide variety of insect pests. The soap will also help reduce the risk of any plant diseases by cleansing plants of any lingering molds or honeydew. The soap operates perfectly with the Fungus Fly Killer Nematodes supplied in this bundle; as the nematodes will travel in the compost to seek out pest larvae, the soap will kill alternative pests or adult flies lingering on the plant leaves. The soap is made from 100% natural ingredients including olive oil.

House Plant Mister/Sprayer 200ml Bottle - x1 (Free of Charge)

As an additional bonus for buyers of the House Plant Care bundle one free 250ml House Plant Mister/Sprayer will supplement the bundle package. The trigger sprayer is ideal for applying House Plant Boost as a foliar spray, or for using as a mister of water applications to house plants which will help maintain optimum humidity levels. 

The House Plant Care Bundle Includes The Perfect Blend Of Biostimulants, Natural Protections & Application Tools For Your House Plants To Prosper 

The House Plant Care Bundle will provide you with all the necessary products to ensure that your house plant collections benefit from healthy and continual growth.

Further information on the above included products can be found by clicking on the product title links and viewing the individual product listing pages. Full application instructions are also provided for each product on delivery.

Customer Reviews

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Speedy delivery 🚚 They always work for the house plant pest Thanks 🙏