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Box Tree Caterpillar / Box Tree Moth

What Are Box Tree Moths?

Box Tree Moths (Cydalima perspectalis) are a relatively new invasive species spreading quickly across the U.K. The adult moths are coloured white with brown surround on the wings, and the caterpillars are a greenish yellow with a black head. Box Tree Moths are active from April to October and overwinter as caterpillars inside the canopy of Box plants and Box hedges.

Box Tree Caterpillar Infestation Signs & Symptoms

Box Tree Caterpillars are often first observed when a clear webbing is found over Box plants. Hedges will appear to have areas of die-back where caterpillars have been feeding. Box Tree Caterpillars will damage box plant leaves, defoliating the plants and leaving them in a skeletal state. The bark of Box plants may also be bored into. If left untreated the caterpillars are capable of killing Box plants and hedges.

How To Control Box Tree Caterpillars & Box Tree Moths

1. The first step, from April, is to set up our Box Tree Moth Pheromone Traps. These will provide advance warning of Box Tree Moth activity by attracting and catching male Box Tree Moths. The pheromone lures in these traps should be replaced every six weeks.

2.Once caterpillars are observed, treat them with our Box Tree Caterpillar Killer Nematodes. Simply spray the nematodes directly onto the caterpillars and allow the nematodes to enter the caterpillars and kill them from inside. Nematode applications are made easier and more accurate when applied with our Nema Super Sprayer.